When Should I Arrive?
Our service starts at 11 am, but we welcome you to come a few minutes early to enjoy a cup of coffee and meet some of our amazing members! Arriving a few minutes early will also give you the opportunity to ask about our Kids church and Toddler class if you have children under the age of 10.
If you are wishing to attend one of our enriching Sunday school classes for those ages 13 and older, we welcome you to join us at 10 am. (Children's classes are only during 11 am Worship service.)
Where Should I Go?
Our Sunday service is held at 33 El Cerro Rd in Los Lunas (click here for directions). The entrance to the parking lot is on the east side of the curve in El Cerro Rd. We are currently a multi-church site, so Cornerstone's service is held in the large metal building, with entrances on the south and east sides of the building.
Inside, a greeter will be waiting with this week's church bulletin containing important information, and will be able to answer any questions you might have or direct you to where you'd like to go.
Where Should I Park?
Parking is to the west and north sides of the church building, but we have marked visitor parking right in front of our building. Handicapped parking is available directly in front of the building on the west side.
What Are My Options for Childcare?
Children are so important here at Cornerstone!! We want every child to have available an environment where they can learn about Christ and grow and thrive in their walk with Him in a way that is meaningful and exciting to them. Thus, we offer child's class for children ages 2-10 (learn more). There is a nursery available for any parents wanting to have a quiet place to take a child under the age of 2, but these young children are also welcome to stay in service with their parents! Please let the greeter know what your childcare needs are as you arrive! All kids classes are during our regular service hours, at 11 am.
What Should I Wear?
Sunday services are very casual at Cornerstone. Please wear what you feel comfortable and welcome in.
What Happens During Service?
During our service, families gather together to sing songs of praise to the Lord. We pray together, and our members collect our tithes and offerings which is done as we are led to give by God. There is no obligation or expectation for visitors to give. The pastor brings a message from the Bible that applies to everyday life, while children go to classes tailored for them and their spiritual needs. The we pray again and are invited to get to know one another better during fellowship. The first Sunday of every month, we take communion together.
Our Mission is to Make Disciples of Christ in all nations! This is our driving purpose, our reason for existing as a church.
Matthew 28:19-20
Our vision is to be a church that is Growing Up in our love for God, Growing Deeper in our love for each other, and Going Out to share the love of Christ with our community.
Matthew 22:37-39
We are devoted to the Biblical model of the church and strive to emphasize prayer, worship, discipleship, and reaching the broken in our community in a spirit of unity and fellowship.
Acts 2:42-47
Contact Us
Visit Us!
Sunday Worship
Service, 11am
Sunday School (Ages 13+), 10 am
33 El Cerro Rd.
Los Lunas, NM 87031
in the large metal building